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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10687850"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 
International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
22 November 2001 (22.11.2001) 


(10) International Publication Number 

WO 01/88524 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : COIN 27/26 

(21) Internationa! Application Number: PCT/US01/15019 

(22) International Filing Date: 10 May 2001 (10.05.2001) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 

(30) Priority Data: 

12 May 2000 (12.05.2000) US 

(71) Applicant: THERASENSE, INC [US/US]; 1360 South 
Loop Road, Alameda, CA 94502 (US). 

(72) Inventors: HELLER, Adam; 4711 Spicewood Springs 
Road, Apt. 271, Austin, TX 78759 (US). CHEN, Ting; 
2501 Lake Austin Boulevard #D102, Austin, TX 78703 
(US). FRIEDMAN, Keith, A.; 500 East Riverside Drive 
#256, Austin, TX 78704 (US). 


(74) Agent: BRUESS, Steven, C; Merchant & Gould P.C., 
P.O. Box 2903, Minneapolis, MN 55402-0903 (US). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AT 
(utility model), AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, 
CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, CZ (utility model), DE, DE 
(utility model), DK, DK (utility model), DM, DZ, EC, EE, 
EE (utility model), ES, Fl, FI (utility model), GB, GD, GE, 
GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, XL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, 
LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, 
MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, 
SK, SK (utility model), SL t TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, 
UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, 
IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR) f OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, 
CG, CI, CM, G A, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— with international search report 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 





102 104 / 
/ / / 106 108 110 

(57) Abstract: A sensor including a sensing layer (106) disposed over an electrode (102) or an optode and a layer-by-layer assembled 
mass transport limiting membrane (110) disposed over the sensing layer. The membrane includes at least one layer of a polyanionic 
or polycationic material. The assembled layer of the membrane are typically disposed in an alternating manner. The sensor also 
^ optionally includes a biocompatible membrane (110). 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 



This application is being filed as a PCT International Patent Application in 
5 the name of TheraSense, Inc., a U.S. national corporation and resident, on 10 May 
2001, designating all countries except the U.S. 

Field of the Invention 

This invention relates to sensors and sensor components that have multilayer 
membranes and methods of making and using the sensors and sensor components. In 
10 addition, the invention relates to enzyme electrodes and optodes with multi-layer 
analyte-flux limiting membranes and methods of making and using the optodes and 
the electrodes. 

Background of the Invention 

Miniature biosensors utilizing enzyme-containing optodes and electrodes for 

15 monitoring biochemicals often include mass-transport controlling membranes. The 
membranes can affect some or all of the characteristics of the optodes or electrodes, 
including their sensitivity, size, apparent stability, dynamic range and selectivity. 
Micro-membranes for use with miniature biosensors typically cannot be easily cut to 
size from pre-formed membranes and if cut by a precision tool, such as a laser or an 

20 electron beam, their placement on and attachment to the surface of an electrode or 
optode can be difficult. 

The reproducible casting of micro-membranes can also be difficult. For cast 
micro-membranes, the pore sizes and their distribution are typically determined by 
the relative rates of nucleation and mass-transport during generation of the 

25 membrane by phase separation as a result of solvent evaporation. The outcome of 
the simultaneously occurring nucleation and the mass transport processes depends 
on the evolution (meaning the time-dependence during the solvent evaporation) of 
the viscosity, the concentrations of the solvent and the non-solvent, and the 
membrane's leached phase and its residual phase. These are affected by time- 

30 dependent temperature gradients and by the time-dependent gradient of the partial 

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pressure of the evaporating solvent over a droplet, the dimensions of which shrink 
and are a function of the time-dependent contact angle with the wetted surface. 

Summary of the Invention 

Generally, the present invention relates to electrodes and optodes having 
5 membranes to reduce analyte flux or reduce interferent flux or both. One 

embodiment is a sensor that includes a sensing layer disposed on a substrate and a 
multilayer flux- limi ting membrane disposed over the sensing layer. The membrane 
includes a first layer disposed on and bound to the sensing layer and one or more 
additional layers disposed on and bound to the preceding layers of the membrane. 

1 0 The substrate can have a conductive material upon which the sensing layer is 

disposed to form an electrode or an optical material, such as an optical fiber, upon 
which the sensing layer is disposed to form an optode. As an example, the 
membrane includes at least two layers; one of which is a polycationic layer or a 
polyanionic layer. Optionally, the membrane includes at least one layer that has 

15 functional groups that can capture transition metal ions. 

Another embodiment is a method of making a sensor. A sensing layer is 
disposed on a substrate. A first membrane layer is disposed on and binds to the 
sensing layer. One or more subsequent membrane layers are disposed over the first 
membrane layer, each of the subsequent membrane layers binding to the 

20 immediately preceding membrane layer. For example, the membrane layers can be 
formed by chemisorption or reactive adsorption. 

The above summary of the present invention is not intended to describe each 
disclosed embodiment or every implementation of the present invention. The 
Figures and the detailed description which follow more particularly exemplify some 

2 5 but not all of these embodiments . 

Brief Description of the Drawings 

The invention may be more completely understood in consideration of the 
following detailed description of various embodiments of the invention in 
connection with the accompanying drawings, in which: 

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Figure 1 is a graph illustrating the dependence of the sensitivity of a glucose 
sensing electrode on the number of PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA sextets: 
(dashed line) none; (squares) one; (triangles) two; (circles) three; 

Figure 2 is a graph illustrating dependence of the apparent stability of a 
5 glucose sensing electrode on the number of PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA 
sextets: (a) none; (b) two; (c) three; 

Figure 3 is a graph illustrating current increments upon raising the 
concentrations sequentially by 5 mM glucose, 5 mM glucose, 0.1 mM ascorbate, 0.2 
mM acetaminophen and 0.5 mM urate; 
10 Figure 4 is a graph illustrating changes in the current upon raising the 

glucose concentration in 5 mM increments, then adding Fe 2+ in an amount that in the 
absence of precipitation of iron phosphate would have raised the concentration of the 
cation to 0.1 mM with (a) ten PAc/PAm bilayers or (b) three 
PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA sextets; 
15 Figure 5 is a graph depicting in vivo experiments in which the glucose 

concentration was tracked by sensors with three PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA 
sextets, (a) ( — ) output of the sensor implanted in the jugular vein; (...) output of the 
sensor implanted in the intrascapular subcutaneous tissue; (triangles) concentrations 
of glucose in blood samples withdrawn from the contralateral jugular vein measured 
20 with a YSI glucose analyzer, (b) results of linear regression analysis of the data from 
the two sensors in figure 5(a): in the jugular vein (closed circles) and in the 
intrascapular subcutaneous tissue (open circles); 

Figure 6 is a Clarke-type clinical error grid diagram of all data points 
assuming that the measured glucose concentration does not lag behind the blood 
25 glucose concentration at any time; 

Figure 7 is a Clarke-type clinical error grid diagram of all data points 
assuming that the sensor-measured glucose concentration lags by 3 minutes behind 
the blood glucose concentration in the period of rise after intravenous injection of a 
bolus of glucose and lags by 9 minutes during the period of decline after intravenous 
30 injection of insulin; and 

Figure 8 is a schematic cross-sectional view of one embodiment of an 
electrode, according to the invention. 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


While the invention is amenable to various modifications and alternative 
forms, specifics thereof have been shown by way of example in the drawings and 
will be described in detail. It should be understood, however, that the intention is 
not to limit the invention to the particular embodiments described. On the contrary, 
5 the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within 
the spirit and scope of the invention. 

Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiment 

The present invention is believed to be applicable to sensors, particularly 
miniature sensors, and methods of making and using the sensors. In particular, the 

10 present invention is directed to membranes for electrodes and optodes for use in 
sensors and methods of making and using the electrodes and optodes. While the 
present invention is not so limited, an appreciation of various aspects of the 
invention will be gained through a discussion of the examples provided below. 

A sensor includes an electrode or optode. Each electrode or optode includes 

1 5 a substrate. For an electrode, the substrate includes a conductive material that is 
typically either formed on a non-conductive support (e.g., a polymeric film) or as a 
wire, rod, plate, or other object. A sensing layer (e.g., transducing layer) is provided 
over at least a portion of the conductive material to transduce the flux of a chemical, 
usually a biochemical, termed the analyte to an electrical signal, such as a current 

20 flowing through the electrode. An optode can include, for example, an optical fiber 
(or other optical substrate) at the tip of which a layer of a biologically active 
macromolecule is provided (preferably, immobilized). The sensing layer on the 
optode converts the change in the concentration of the analyte to a change in photon 

25 The electrode or optode is covered with a membrane. The purpose of the 

membrane is to reduce analyte-flux or reduce or prevent interferent flux to the 
electrode or a combination of these features. The membrane contains at least two 
layers, and, typically, at least six layers. At least one of the layers includes a layer 
containing a polyanion or a polycation and the polyanionic or polycationic layer is 

30 disposed over the sensing layer. When operating to reduce flux of an analyte, 

interferent, or other material, the membrane typically provides a thin zone in which 

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the solubility of a solute (e.g., analyte or interferent) is lower by at least an order of 
magnitude than it is in the sample solution. A membrane having such a zone is 
referred to as "mass transport limiting". The cross sectional area of the sensor 
through which mass transport is limited is defined as the "active area". The active 
5 area of the sensors in at least some embodiments of this invention is 0. 1 cm 2 or 

smaller. For example, sensors can be formed with active areas between 10" 2 cm 2 and 
10* 8 cm 2 . Membranes having mass transporting areas (e.g., "active areas") between 
10" 3 cm 2 and 10~ s cm 2 are particularly useful for biosensing applications. 

The membrane can be formed, for example, by sequential chemisorption of 

1 0 layers. Preferably, each particular layer, other than the terminal top layer, binds both 
the preceding and succeeding layers of the membrane. Generally, two consecutive 
layers are not identical; however, layers made of the same material but differently 
(for example, oppositely) oriented can be disposed next to each other. The layers 
typically form an array of bonds as a result of ionic, hydrophobic, coordinative, 

1 5 covalent, van der Waals, or hydrogen bonding interactions between the materials of 
the two layers. For example, the membrane can be formed of alternating 
polyanionic and polycationic layers. 

In one embodiment, a micro-membrane is formed in-situ on a miniature 
enzyme electrode by disposing (e.g., chemisorbing or otherwise depositing) a 

20 polyanionic material on a polycationic surface of the electrode, rinsing, disposing a 
polycationic on the polyanionic material, rinsing, and repeating the cycle a desired 
number of times. It will be understood that a similar procedure can be used with a 
polyanionic surface of the electrode by first depositing a polycationic material 
followed by a polyanionic material and repeating the cycle a desired number of 

25 times. Other orders of layers can also be used. 

In particular, the membranes are useful in those biosensors that function by 
chemically converting (e.g., reacting) a chemical or biochemical. The chemical or 
biochemical can be, for example, an analyte that is being assayed, a product formed 
by reaction of the analyte, a co-reactant of the analyte, a product or reactant of a 

30 reaction that is catalyzed or inhibited by the presence of the analyte, or a constituent 
whose attachment to an optode or electrode is accelerated or inhibited by the 
presence of the analyte. 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


As an example, membranes of the invention can be formed on, and are 
evaluated in the Examples below for, miniature glucose oxidizing or 
electrooxidizing electrodes. For these electrodes, glucose is typically converted to 
gluconolactone in the first step of a detection reaction. Suitable miniature glucose 
5 electrodes include, for example, those disclosed in U.S. Patents Nos. 5,262,305; 
5,262,035; 5,264,104; 5,593,852; and 5,665,222 and U.S. Patent Applications Nos. 
08/795,767; 09/034,372; 09/295,962; and 09/434,026, all of which are incorporated 
herein by reference. It will be appreciated that electrodes for the detection of 
analytes other than glucose can also benefit from the use of the membranes 
10 described herein. Glucose electrodes are illustrated herein as an application 

Glycemia has been monitored amperometrically in the subcutaneous 
interstitial fluid with miniature electrodes for some time. The electrode reactions 
applied in such monitoring include (a) the mediated electrooxidation of glucose to 

1 5 gluconolactone at electrodes coated with a redox mediator (e.g., a redox polymer 
which electrically "wires" the reaction centers of glucose oxidase to an electrode) 
(Equations la and lb, below) or, alternatively, (b) the glucose oxidase catalyzed 
reaction of glucose with 0 2 , to produce gluconolactone and H 2 0 2 (Equation 2a, 
below), followed either by electro-oxidation of the H 2 0 2 (Equation 2b, below), or by 

20 monitoring the change in the 0 2 partial pressure or concentration. 

glucose + 2 bound mediator(ox) -> gluconolactone + 2 bound mediator(red) + 2H + 
2 bound mediator (red) -» 2 bound mediator (ox) + 2e~ 
glucose + 0 2 -> gluconolactone + H 2 0 2 
25 H 2 0 2 -* 0 2 + 2H* + 2e- 

The current at the electrode generally scales with the flux of glucose to the electrode. 
The flux, and therefore also the current, typically increases linearly with the glucose 
concentration as long as the entire glucose flux at the electrode is consumed in the 
3 0 electrode reaction. 

Figure 8 illustrates one example of a suitable electrode 100. The electrode 
includes a conductive material 102 within an insulating sleeve 104. Disposed on the 


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conductive material 102 are a sensing layer 106, a membrane 108, and a 
biocompatible layer 110. Examples of similar electrode configurations, together 
with examples of some suitable sensing layers and biocompatible layers are 
provided in U.S. Patent No. 5,593,852. Other suitable sensing layers and 
5 biocompatible layers are described, for example, in U.S. Patent No. 5,665,222 and 
U.S. Patent Applications Nos. 08/795,767; 09/034,372; 09/295,962; and 09/434,026, 
all of which are incorporated by reference. 

The conductive material 102 can be, for example, carbon, a metal, or a 
conductive compound or polymer. The insulating sleeve 104 is typically formed 
10 from an insulating compound or polymer. In one method of manufacture, a tip of a 
metal wire (e.g., a gold wire) is etched to form a recess within the insulating sleeve 
where the sensing layer 106, membrane 108, and biocompatible layer 110 are 

The sensing layer 106 typically provides a mechanism for transducing an 
15 analyte flux (or the flux of a product molecule formed or consumed by a reaction of 
the analyte) to an electrical signal. The sensing layer can contain, for example, a 
redox mediator to facilitate the indirect or direct transfer of electrons between the 
conductive material and the analyte. One type of redox mediator is a transition 
metal complex or compound (e.g., an osmium, ruthenium, or iron complex or 
20 compound). The redox mediator can be a monomeric redox compound or complex, 
but is preferably in a non-leachable form, such as a redox polymer. The redox 
polymer, has a polymeric backbone with multiple redox centers. Examples of 
suitable redox mediators are disclosed in, for example, U.S. Patents Nos. 5,262,305; 
5,262,035; 5,264,104; 5,593,852; and 5,665,222 and U.S. Patent Applications Nos. 
25 08/795,767; 09/034,372; 09/295,962; and 09/434,026, all of which are incorporated 
by reference. 

The sensing layer 106 can also include a second electron transfer agent, such 
as an enzyme. The second electron transfer agent can catalyze the electrochemical 
oxidation or reduction of the analyte. As an example, suitable second electron 
30 transfer agents for glucose include glucose oxidase or glucose dehydrogenase; for 
lactate, lactate dehydrogenase; and for hydrogen peroxide, peroxidase. 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019. 

The biocompatible layer 110 prevents the penetration of large biomolecules 
into the electrodes. This can be accomplished by using a biocompatible layer 1 10 
having a pore size that is smaller than the biomolecules that are to be excluded. 
Such biomolecules can foul the conductive material 102 or the sensing layer 106 
5 thereby reducing the effectiveness of the electrode 100 and altering the expected 
signal amplitude for a given analyte concentration. The biocompatible layer 1 10 
may also prevent protein adhesion to the electrode 100, formation of blood clots, and 
other undesirable interactions between the electrode 100 and body. A preferred 
biocompatible coating is a hydrogel, which contains at least 20 wt.% fluid when in 

10 equilibrium with the analyte-containing fluid. Examples of suitable hydrogels are 
described in U.S. Patent No. 5,593,852, incorporated herein by reference, and 
include crosslinked polyethylene oxides, such as polyethylene oxide tetraacrylate. 

The preferred membrane 108 includes at least three, and typically at least six, 
twelve, or eighteen layers. One example of a membrane 108 is formed using 

15 alternating polycationic and polyanionic layers. Typically, these layers are formed 
using polymers. Suitable polycationic polymers include, for example, 
polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAm), po!y(4-vinyIpyridine) quaternized by reacting 
about one third to one tenth of the pyridine nitrogens with 2-bromoethylamine 
(PVPEA), polyethylene imine, and polystyrene modified with quaternary 

20 ammonium functions. Suitable polyanionic polymers include, for example, 

poly(acrylic acid) (PAc), poly(methacrylic acid), partially sulfonated polystyrene, 
polystyrene modified with functions having carboxylate anions, and DNA 
(deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid) strands, fragments or oligomers. 
The membrane 108 can serve one or more functions including, for example, a) 

25 limiting glucose flux or b) reducing or eliminating the flux of interferents to the 
electrode. Glucose sensors will be described as an example, but sensors can be 
formed for other analytes using the same principles. 

In glucose sensing optodes or electrodes , a glucose flux-limiting membrane 
can enhance one or more properties of the optode or the electrode including, for 

30 example, expanding the dynamic range, enhancing the apparent stability and 

improving the selectivity for glucose which may enable one-point calibration of an 
implanted electrode. 

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Reducing the flux of glucose (or any other analyte) using a membrane can 
expand the dynamic range of a sensor. The upper limit of the dynamic range of the 
sensor is that glucose concentration where the entire influx of the analyte is still 
consumed. When this limit is exceeded, the rate of glucose-conversion is slower than 
5 the influx and the sensor "saturates": the current no longer increases when the 

glucose concentration is raised. The kinetic limit, represented by the current density 
at the glucose concentration above which it no longer increases, is an intrinsic 
property of the electrode. This current density typically scales linearly with the rate 
of the slower of reactions 1(a) or 1(b) for a mediator-comprising glucose oxidase 
1 0 electrode or the slower of reactions 2(a) or 2(b) in an 0 2 - utilizing electrode. 
Because the membrane does not affect the intrinsic rate of the slowest step, its 
insertion between the assayed fluid and the electrode expands the upper limit of the 
dynamic range. 

Typically, the sensor's apparent stability, which is the stability perceived by 

15 its user, can also be improved upon insertion of the glucose flux limiting membrane. 
The user remains unaware of the deterioration of the electrode's chemistry as long as 
the kinetics of the slowest step remains fast enough to convert all the influx of 
glucose to a current. Furthermore, the more blocking the membrane is, the better the 
apparent stability will typically be. The increased apparent stability and the upward 

20 extension of the dynamic range are gained at the cost of reduced specific sensitivity, 
defined as the current per unit area at unit glucose concentration. The specific 
sensitivity decreases because less glucose reaches the reactive zone on the electrode. 
When the specific sensitivity decreases, a larger glucose-transporting area may be 
needed for the sensor's current to reach an easily measured value. 

25 The membrane thus defines, at least in part, (a) the lowest analyte 

concentration where the current is large enough to be easily measured and the 
highest analyte concentration above which the electrode's current no longer 
increases with the concentration of the analyte; (b) the extent of the feasible 
miniaturization of the sensor; and (c) the apparent stability of the sensor. Fitting of 

30 these characteristics to those sought in the intended application requires tailoring of 
the flux-controlling membrane. While the characteristics of the earlier solvent-cast 
membranes depended on the spreading of the casting solution, and on the gradients 

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of temperature and of solvent partial pressure near the membrane being formed; the 
characteristics of the membranes formed according to the invention typically do not 
depend on these factors. As a result, the simultaneous tailoring of their many desired " 
characteristics is typically easier. 
5 In at least some embodiments, the membrane also reduces or eliminates the 

. flux of interferents to the conductive material of the electrode. The bias resulting 
from the presence of an interferent that is rapidly electrooxidized at the applied 
potential is defined by its flux to the electrode surface. In the absence of a 
membrane, the flux is controlled by diffusion in the solution and is defined by the 
10 diffusivity and the concentration of the interferent. When a membrane is inserted 
between the solution and the electrode, the % bias is defined by the ratio of the 
products of the solution concentrations and permeabilities of the interferent and 

%bias= Cj > stDj > s xl00% (solution) 

1 5 %bias = Ci > s ' Pjm x 1 00% (membrane) 

Cg,s ' Pgm 


P = K IM D IM l l M= X D IM ' l M 

where C is the concentration of the interferent (I) or glucose (G) in the solution (S) 
or membrane (M), D represents the appropriate diffusivity, P represents the partition 
coefficient, and 1 M represents the thickness of the membrane. Because the 

20 permeability is a product of the concentration of the diffusing species in the 

membrane and of its diffusivity in the membrane, the % bias increases linearly with 
the ratio of the partition coefficients of the interferent and of glucose between the 
membrane and the solution. When only monovalent anionic species (CI", ascorbate, 
urate) are present, the concentration of anions in the polycationic POs-EA membrane 

25 of the sensing layer equals the concentration of its cationic charges, which is about 
an order of magnitude higher than the concentration of anions in the solution. As a 
result, the sensing layer is permselective for anions over glucose and in the absence 
of a neutral or polyanionic glucose-flux-controlling membrane (e.g. Nafion™) the 
flux and electro-oxidation current of 0. 1 mM ascorbate could equal or exceed 10% 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


of that of 10 mM glucose. The membranes described herein are not typically 
permselective for anions. As a result, ascorbate or urate is not preferentially 
electrooxidized. As seen in Figure 3, at 10 mM glucose concentration the combined 
% bias resulting of the presence of 0.1 mM ascorbate, 0.2 mM acetaminophen and 
5 0.5 mM urate is less than 5%, even though the sensor is poised at 450 mV 

(Ag/AgCl), a potential where acetaminophen is not rapidly electrooxidized, but 
ascorbate and urate are, 

Transition metal ions also influence the sensor readings. Transition metal 
ions reduce the intrinsic kinetic capacity of the enzyme layer to electrooxidize 
10 glucose and thereby severely reduce the dynamic range and the sensitivity. (See 
Figure 4) The loss is attributed to both inhibition of the enzyme and a reduction in 
the surface density of electroactive redox centers caused by excessive crosslinking 
through coordination of pyridine rings of neighboring redox centers. In the 
Examples, a transition metal ion capturing PVPEA/PAc bilayer is included in the 
15 membrane. The addition of the PVPEA layer provides an alternative site for capture 
of transition metal ions by providing pyridine functionalities that can complex with 
the transition metal ions. It will be recognized that other materials can be used in 
place of PVPEA. Typically, the replacement materials will include functionalities 
that can form complexes with the transition metal ions. Because the PVPEA layer is 
20 already highly crosslinked, the incremental crosslinking by coordination of the 
transition metal ions does not change excessively the permeability of the micro- 
membrane to glucose. 

As an example, described in the Examples section below, membranes were 
assembled by sequentially chemisorbing polyanionic and polycationic materials on 
25 miniature (5 x 10" 4 cm 2 ) enzyme electrodes. The sequential chemisorption process 
allowed the simultaneous tailoring of their sensitivity, dynamic range, drift and 
selectivity. When assembled on tips of 250 (am diameter gold wires coated with a 
redox polymer/glucose oxidase sensing layer, they allowed tailoring of the glucose 
electrodes for greater than 2 nA/mM sensitivity; 0 to 30 mM dynamic range; drift of 
30 <> 5% per 24 hours at 37°C at 15 mM glucose concentration ; < 5% current increment 
by the combination of 0. 1 mM ascorbate, 0.2 mM acetaminophen and 0,5 mM urate. 
The membranes also retained transition metal ions that otherwise bind to and 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


damage the redox polymer and the enzyme. The electrodes were tested in the jugular 
veins and in the intrascapular subcutaneous region of anaesthetized and heparinized 
non-diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats, in which rapid changes of glycemia were forced 
by intravenous glucose and insulin. After one-point in-vivo calibration of the 
5 electrodes, all of 152 data points were clinically accurate when it was assumed that 
after insulin injection the glycemia in the subcutaneous fluid lags by 9 minutes 
behind that of blood withdrawn from the insulin-injected vein. 


10 The following are the materials used to make the electrodes: Glucose 

oxidase (GOx) (Fluka, Milwaukee, WI, EC, 197 units/mg) from Aspergillus 
niger\ poly (ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether (400) (PEGDGE), and polyallylamine 
hydrochloride (MW 50,000) (PAm) from Polysciences, Warrington, PA; and 
polyacrylic acid sodium salt (PAc) (MW 15,000), l-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-3- 

1 5 ethylcarbodiimide (EDC), and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) from Aldrich, 

Milwaukee, WI. The redox polymer, poly (4-vinylpyridine) partially N-complexed 
with [Os(bpy) 2 Cl] +/2+ and quaternized withbromoethylamine (POs-EA), was 
prepared as described in Gregg et al., J. Phys. Chem. 95, 5970 (1991), incorporated 
herein by reference. The related polymer from which the osmium complex was 

20 omitted, PVPEA, was prepared by quaternizing poly(4-vinylpyridine) with 

Example 1 

Formation of Glucose Electrodes. Miniature gold electrodes were 
25 structurally similar to those described in Csoregi et al., Anal. Chem. 66, 3131 (1994). 
and U.S. Patent No. 5,593,852, both of which are incorporated herein by reference. 
The electrodes were made of polyimide-insulated 0.25 mm gold wire, which was cut 
to 5 cm long pieces. At one end, the insulation was stripped from 0.5 cm of the wire 
to make the electrical contact. At the other end, a 90 |im deep polyimide-walled 
30 recess was formed by electrochemically etching away the gold under galvanostatic 
control by an EG&G PARC 273 A potentiostat/galvanostat. 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


The tip of the gold wire at the bottom of the shielded recess was coated with 
the transduction (sensing) layer; a nucro-membrane; and a biocompatible layer. The 
first and third layers were formed by micropipetting polymer solutions onto the gold 
surface under a microscope, using a micromanipulator. The micro-membrane was 
5 formed by dip and rinse cycles. 

The sensing layer included the redox polymer POs-EA and GOx crosslinked 
with PEGDGE. A 20 mg/mL solution of GOx were dissolved in a 0.1 M sodium 
bicarbonate aqueous solution. The GOx solution was then mixed at 2: 1 volume ratio 
with a 12 mg/mL solution of sodium periodate and the mixture was reacted in the 

10 dark at room temperature for 1 hour. 2 jxL of the now periodate-oxidized GOx 
solution was mixed with 16 pL of 10 mg/mL POs-EA solution and 1.4 |iL of 2.5 
mg/mL PEGDGE solution. 15 droplets of about 5 nL mixed solution were 
sequentially micropipetted into the recessed cavity formed by back-etching the gold 
in its polyimide insulation. The resulting films were cured at 45°C for 30 minutes. 

15 The micro-membrane was formed over the sensing layer. The 

polyelectrolyte solutions 20 mM PAc, 20 mM PAm and 20 mM PVPEA (the 
concentrations being those of the acidic or the basic functions, not of the 
macromolecules) were prepared in 0,1 M NaCl buffered at pH 6 with 0.1 M 2-[N- 
morpholino] ethanesulfonic acid (MES). This buffer was used also to prepare 20 

20 mM EDC and 50 mM NHS. The sensors were coated by dipping and rinsing cycles, 
alternately in PAc and in PAm, to form PAc/PAm bilayers, or in PAc then in 
PVPEA to form the P Ac/P VPEA bilayers. The sequence of the resulting sextets 
was PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA; the slashes (/) representing rinses with MES 
buffer to remove the excess (unbound) polyelectrolyte. All of the sensors used in 

25 vitro and in animals, except for those made for the parametric optimization of the 
sensors, had three of the sextet layers (18 layers total). 

The biocompatible layer was formed over the micro-membrane. The 
biocompatible layer was formed by UV-photocrosslinking tetraacrylated PEO, using 
2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenyl-acetophenone as the photoinitiator. 


WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


Example 2 

In Vitro Experiments using the Electrode of Example 1. In vitro 
experiments were carried out in a stirred, water-jacketed electrochemical cell in 0.15 
M NaCl, 0.02 M phosphate buffer solution with pH 7.1. The cell had a saturated 
5 Ag/AgCl reference electrode, a platinum counter electrode and the modified 0.25 
mm gold wire tip working electrode, as described in Example 1. Unless otherwise 
stated the working electrode was poised at 400 mV vs. Ag/AgCl, and the cell was 
maintained at 37°C with an isothermal circulator (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). 
The potential was controlled by a CHI832 electrochemical detector (CH Instrument, 

1 0 Austin, TX) and a PC collected the data. 

Figure 1 illustrates the dependence of the sensitivity on the number of 
PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA sextets where the dashed line indicates no micro- 
membrane, the squares indicate one sextet, the triangles indicate two sextets, and the 
circles indicate three sextets. This demonstrates the expansion of the linear range 

1 5 and the corresponding decrease in sensitivity when an increasing number of 

countercharged polyelectrolyte layers is applied on the sensing layer. When the 
micro-membrane consisted of two sextets (of the sequence 
PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PWEA/PA the current 

increased linearly with the glucose concentration at least up to 30 mM. As seen in 

20 Figure 1, the linear domain in-vitro now extended through the entire physiologically 
relevant 2-30 mM range. 

Figure 2 illustrates the dependence of the apparent stability on the number of 
PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA sextets where line (a) indicates no micro- 
membrane, line (b) indicates two sextets, and line (c) indicates three sextets. Figure 

25 2 illustrates the improvement in the stability of the current at 15mM glucose 
concentration and at 37°C when the number of the layers was increased. In the 
absence of a micro-membrane, 39% of the current was lost in the initial 24 hour 
period. Application of two sextets (PAc/PAm/PAc/PAnyPAc/PVPEA/PAc/PAm/ 
PAc/PAm/PAc/PVPEA) reduced the loss to 9%. When three sextots were applied 

30 (PAc/PAm/PAc/PAm/PAc/PWEA/PAc/P 

Ac/PAm/ PAc/PVPEA), the 24 hour loss dropped to 5%. 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


Both urate and the ascorbate anions are electrooxidized at potentials positive 
of 200 mV (SCE). In the absence of a micro-membrane the electrooxidation current 
of anionic interferents is disproportionately high when the redox-polymer backbone 
is apolycation. For example, the ascorbate electrooxidation current at 0.1 mM 
5 ascorbate concentration is greater than the glucose electrooxidation current at ImM 
concentration. The cause of the disproportionate electrooxidation of anionic 
interferents is thought to be due to the scaling of their concentration within the redox 
polymer with the density of cationic sites. As a result, the permeability of the 
membrane to anionic interferents (which is the product of concentration and 

10 diffiisivity) is higher than that of neutral molecules like glucose. 

Application of the micro-membrane alleviated the disproportionately large 
interference by ascorbate and urate, as shown in Figure 3. At 10 mM glucose 
concentration, the aggregate increase in current produced by the combination of 0.1 
mM ascorbate, 0.2 naM acetaminophen and 0.5 mM urate was less than 5%. The 

1 5 sensitivity of the electrodes to glucose was not changed. 

Transition metal ions like Zn 2+ and Fe 2+/3+ , which are present in serum at <50 
(jM concentration, can reduce the sensitivity of the "wired" enzyme electrode. The 
loss is observed even in the presence of 20 mM phosphate, which precipitates most 
of these ions at neutral pH. Application of multiple bilayers consisting only of 

20 PAc/PAm, did not appear to alleviate this loss. The loss was, however, alleviated by 
incorporating PAc/PVPEA bilayers, which had transition-ion complexing pyridine 
functions as shown in Figure 4. 

The results show that the following sensor characteristics can be 
simultaneously provided by a tailored micro-membrane: Linear range, 2 to 30 mM; 

25 sensitivity per unit area of 4 to 6 [xAcm" 2 mM~ ! , translating to 2 to 3 nA mM" 1 

sensitivity for an electrode having a 5 x 10" 4 cm 2 mass transporting and sensing area; 
and < 5% loss in sensitivity in 24 hrs. 

Example 3 

30 In Vivo Experiments using the Electrode of Example 1. Male Sprague- 

Dawley rats, 400-500 g, were pre-anesthetized with halothane (Halocarbon 
Laboratories, North Augusta, SC) and anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection (0.5 

WO 01/88524 PCTYUS01/15019 


mL) of a solution made of equal volumes of acepromazine maleate (10 mg/mL), 
ketamine (100 mg/mL), and xylazine (20 mg/mL). The animals were shaved about 
their necks, abdomens, and between their scapulae, and then secured on a 
homeothennic blanket system (Harvard Apparatus, South Natick, MA). A 0.0375- 
5 in. -diameter medical grade silicone tube was inserted into the proximal portion of . 
their right external jugular vein and secured with 4-0 silk sutures. A dose of 100 
units/kg body weight of heparin solution was then administered, followed by an 
equal volume of saline to clear the line. A glucose sensor was implanted 
subcutaneously between the scapulae, using a 22-gauge Per-Q-Cath introducer 

10 (Gesco International, San Antonio, TX). The sensor was taped to the skin to prevent 
its movement. A second silicone tubing of -2 cm length was inserted into the 
proximal side of the left external jugular vein as a guide, and the second glucose 
sensor was inserted inside the guide tube. The tube and the sensor were then secured 
with a microvascular clamp, with the sensor protruding beyond the end of the guide 

15 tube. A Ag/AgCl surface skin reference electrode was attached to the animal's 

abdomen after conductive gel was applied. The sensors and the reference electrode 
were then connected to an EG&G PARC Model 400 bipotentiostat, the output of 
which was recorded with a Rustrak Ranger data-logger (Rustrak Ranger, East 
Greenwich, RT). Data collection started 40-60 minutes after the sensors were poised 

20 at +450 mV vs. Ag/AgCl. The reference blood samples were collected from the right 
jugular vein and were analyzed using a YSI Model 2300 glucose analyzer (YSI, 
Yellow Spring, OH). 

In each experiment a 50% glucose solution (300 mg/kg) was administered 
intravenously to induce a rapid rise in glucose concentration. A rapid decline in 

25 glucose concentration was then induced by an intravenous insulin injection (regular 
U-100, 0.5 unit/kg). At the end of the experiment, the rat was euthanized by 
intravenous sodium pentobarbital injection, consistent with the recommendations of 
the panel on Euthanasia of the American Veterinary Association. The protocols of 
. the experiments in vivo were approved by the University of Texas Institutional 

30 Animal Use and Care Committee. 

The experiment was started when the glycemia of the rats was at a steady 
state, the steady glucose concentration being confirmed by withdrawing three blood 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


samples and their analysis with the YSI analyzer. Two minutes after the third 
withdrawal a bolus of glucose was injected. The sensors were calibrated in vivo by 
independently analyzing a single sample of blood about 2 minutes before the 
injection of the bolus of glucose. Figure 5(a) shows the variation in the sensor- 
5 measured glycemia after boli of glucose and insulin were sequentially administered 
intravenously. Figure 5(b) shows the correlation of the sensor readings and the YSI 
results of Figure 5(a). The linear regressions for the eight sensors are summarized in 
Table 1, below. The average correlation coefficient (r 2 ) was 0.960 for the jugular 
vein sensors and 0.935 for the subcutaneous sensors. The average of the intercept 
10 was 0.6mM ± 0.6mM, not differing greatly from the reported -0.79 mM to +0.48 
mM range of intercepts of home blood glucose meters used by self-monitoring 
diabetic patients. 

As seen in Figure 5 and in Table 1 the subcutaneous and the jugular- vein 
implanted sensors with the in situ synthesized micro-membranes accurately track the 

1 5 YSI-glucose analyzer measured blood glucose concentration when calibrated in vivo 
at one point. The clinical validity of glucose assays is often judged by their position 
in zones of the Clarke plot. Points in zone A of the Clarke plot represent accurate 
assays. Points in zone B represent less accurate assays leading to valid clinical 
decision. Points in Zone C reflect assays leading to inappropriate, though not 

20 harmful, clinical decisions. Points in zone D reflect assays leading to the missing of 
a necessary clinical action (consumption of a glucose-source or insulin-injection) 
when such action is required. Points in Zone E reflect assays leading to clinical 
action that are the opposite of the required, such as assays indicating the need to 
inject insulin when the patient is already hypoglycemic. 

25 In absence of correction for the potential transient difference between the 

blood and the subcutaneous glucose concentrations during rapid rise or decline 
periods the Clarke-type error grid analysis (Figure 6) of the data shows that 95.5% of 
the points are in the clinically accurate or acceptable zones A or B (Table 2, below). 
The points in zone D (4.5%) resulted of failure to detect hypoglycemia and 

30 originated in periods of rapid decline following intravenous administration of 

insulin. The fraction of points in zone D was reduced to less than 1% when it was 
assumed that following insulin injection, but not after glucose injection, the 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


subcutaneous glucose concentration lags behind that of the insulin-injected vein by 9 
minutes. Table 3, below, shows that the fraction of points in zones other than zone 
A of the Clarke plot increased when it was assumed that in the period after 
intravenous administration of glucose the lag time of the subcutaneous glucose 
5 concentration behind that in the glucose-injected vein was greater than 0 to 3 
minutes; when no lag or a 3 min lag were assumed all points were in zone A. 

The assumptions of a 0 to 3 min lag of the subcutaneous glycemia after 
glucose injection and of a 9 min lag after insulin injection not only brought all of the 
88 points measured with the subcutaneous electrode into zones A and B of the 

1 0 Clarke plot, but also increased the ratio of zone A to zone B points. For the 
intravenous sensor-measured glycemia, the assumption of a 3 min lag of the 
contralateral venous glycemia behind that in the injected vein, whether after glucose 
or insulin injection, brought all points into zones A and B of the Clarke plot (Tables 
3 and 4, below). The assumptions of a 9 min lag in the subcutaneous glycemia after 

15 insulin injection and of a 3 min lag in the subcutaneous glycemia after glucose 
injection, as well as in the contralateral venous glycemia after glucose or insulin 
injection, thus brought 163 of the 176 points (92.6%) into zone A; 13 points being in 
zone B. Comparison of the values in Table 5, below, with those in Table 1 
summarizes the effect of these assumptions on the distribution of points, the slopes, 

20 the intercepts, and the percent difference between the YSI and the sensor readings. 
The sensors with the in-situ assembled micro-membranes accurately measured the 
glycemia in the jugular vein and in the interstitial subcutaneous fluid. 

The present invention should not be considered limited to the particular 
25 examples described above, but rather should be understood to cover all aspects of 
the invention as fairly set out in the attached Claims. Various modifications, 
equivalent processes, as well as numerous structures to which the present invention 
may be applicable will be readily apparent to those of skill in the art to which the 
present invention is directed upon review of the instant specification. 


WO 01/88524 




Results of linear regression analysis of the correlation between the actual 
glucose blood glucose concentrations and concentrations measured by the 
5 implanted sensors* 0 


Intercept (mg/dL) 

r 2 

%difference* b 

jugular vein 





jugular vein 





jugular vein 





jugular vein 


























0.91+0.06 10.3±11.1 



*a.. 22 blood samples were withdrawn and independently analyzed in each 

20 *b. %difference =[£((sensor glucose-blood glucose)/blood glucose)]/n 


Clarke-type error grid analysis of all data, without and with assumption of lag. 

25 Zone No lag assumed Lag assumed 

Data points 


Data points 



























* A 3 min lag was assumed, except for the subcutaneous sensors after insulin 
injection, for which a 9 min lag was assumed. 


WO 01/88524 




Dependence of the distribution of the data points between the zones of the 
Clarke plot on the assumed lag after injection of glucose. 


Time Delay (mins) 







Intravenous Sensors 

Zone A 


31 . 




















Subcutaneous Sensors 

Zone A 























Dependence of the distribution of the data points between the zones of the 


Clarke plot on the assumed lag after injection of insulin. 

Time Delay (mins) 








Intravenous Sensors 

Zone A 







Zone B 















Subcutaneous Sensors 

Zone A 






















WO 01/88524 




Results of linear regression analyses of the correlation between the YSI- 
measured venous glycemia and the sensor-measured glycemia assuming the 

optimal lag times.* 



Intercept, mg/dL 

r 2 


jugular vein 





jugular vein 



jugular vein 





jugular vein 





































average (all data) 0.93 ±0.08 




* 3 min lag for the contra-lateral venous and the subcutaneous glycemia after 
injection of glucose; 3 min lag of the contra-lateral venous glycemia after injection 
of insulin; 9 min lag of the subcutaneous glycemia after injection of insulin. 

WO 01/88524 




1. A sensor, comprising: 

a sensing layer disposed on a substrate; 

a multilayer flux-limiting membrane disposed over the sensing layer, the 
membrane comprising a first layer disposed on the sensing layer, the first layer 
binding to the sensing layer, the membrane further comprising one or more 
subsequent layers disposed on and bound to the immediately preceding layer of the 

2. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the sensor has an active area of 0. 1 
cm 2 or less. 

3. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the active area is in a range of 1G" 2 
cm 2 to 10" 8 cm 2 . 

4. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the active area is in a range of 10" 3 
cm 2 to lO^cm 2 . 

5. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the sensing layer comprises an 

6. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the substrate comprises an electrode 
upon which the sensing layer is disposed. 

7. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the substrate comprises an optical fiber 
upon which the sensing layer is disposed. 

8. The sensor of claim 7, wherein the sensing layer is disposed on a tip of 
the optical fiber. 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


9. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the sensing layer comprises a non- 
leachable redox compound. 

1 0. The sensor of claim 9, wherein the non-leachable redox compound 
comprises a redox polymer. 

1 1 . The sensor of claim 1, wherein the multilayer membrane comprises at 
least one polycationic layer. 

1 2. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the multilayer membrane comprises at 
least one polyanionic layer. 

1 3 . The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the multilayer membrane comprises at 
least one polycationic layer and at least one polyanionic layer. 

14. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the sensor is adapted for implantation 
of at least a portion of the sensor in an animal. 

15. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the sensor is adapted for subcutaneous 
implantation of at least a portion of the sensor in an animal. 

16. The sensor of Claim 1, further comprising a biocompatible layer 
disposed over the multilayer membrane. 

17. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the membrane comprises at least two 
layers alternating between polyanionic material and polycationic material. 

1 8. The sensor of claim 1, wherein at least one of the layers of the 
multilayer membrane comprises functional groups that can capture transition metal 

WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 


19. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the membrane is configured and 
arranged to reduce flux of an analyte to the sensing layer. 

20. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the membrane is configured and 
arranged to reduce flux of at least one interferent to the sensing layer. 

21. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the multilayer membrane comprises at 
least three layers. 

22. The sensor of claim 1, wherein the multilayer membrane comprises at 
least six layers. 

23. A method of making a sensor, the method comprising steps of: 
disposing a sensing layer on a surface; and 

forming a membrane over the sensing layer by forming, in an alternating and 
binding manner, at least three layers, of which one is a polyanionic layer and two are 
polycationic layers or of which two are polyanionic layers and one is a polycationic 

24. The method of claim 23, further comprising disposing a biocompatible 
layer over the membrane. 

25. A method of making a sensor, the method comprising steps of: 
disposing a sensing layer on a substrate; 

disposing a first membrane layer on the sensing layer and binding the first 
membrane layer to the sensing layer, and 

disposing one or more subsequent membrane layers over the first membrane 
layer, each subsequent membrane layer binding to the preceding membrane layer. 

26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the membrane layers are bound to 
the sensing layer or preceding membrane layer by chemisoiption or reactive 

WO 01/88524 



27. The method of claim 26 , further comprising rinsing after disposing at 
least one of the first membrane layer or the one or more subsequent membrane 


WO 01/88524 




WO 01/88524 




50 n — 

40 - 

30 - 

0 -I : , ,-J rJ 1 L, L—,- 

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 

Time (sec) 


WO 01/88524 




120 t 

Time (sec) 


WO 01/88524 PCT/US01/15019 



WO 01/88524 




YSI-Measured Blood Glucose (mg/dL) 


WO 01/88524 




WO 01/88524 












International application No. 

IPq7) : G01N 27/26 
US CL : 2D4./4.I8 

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 
U.S. : 204/418, 403, 415; 422/82.05, 82.06; 427/2.11, 2.12, 2.13 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 

search terms: electrode, microelectrode, optical fibre or fiber, membrane, chemisorption, adsorption 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, if the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim Mo. 

US 5,773,270 A (D'ORAZIO et al.) 30 June 1998, the abstract; 
Figure 2; column 8, line 36 - col. 9, In. 5; col. 9, 11. 29-49; and col. 
10, U. 14-59. 

US 5,696,314 A (McCAFFREY et al.) 09 December 1997, the 
abstract; Figure 1; col. 4, 11. 37-43; col. 7, In. 65 - col.- 8, In. 27; 
col. 10, 11. 31-55; and col. 13, 11. 18-50. 

US 6,015,480 A (CRAIG et al.) 18 January 2000, the abstract; and 
col. 2, 11. 30-55. 

US 5,804,048 A (WONG et al.) 08 September 1998, the abstract; 
col. 1, 11. 1-40; and col. 3, 11. 14-45. 

1, 19-21 

2-6, 11-17, 22-27 
1-6 and 9-27 

1-6 and 9-27. 
1-6 and 9-27 

~x| Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box. C. | | See patent family annex. 



Special caiegorie* of cited documents: 

document defining the general state of the art which Is not oonsiderod 
to be of particular relevance 

earlier document published an ar after the international fi l in g date 

document which mar throw donbta on priority olaha(fi) or which h 
oiled to establish the poblioation date of another citation cr other 
special reason (as specified) 

document referring to on oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other 

rt moment published prior to the International filing date but later 
Pun thn priority data chimed 

later document published ifter the intimation al date or priority 
date and pol in conflict with the application but oited to understand 
the principle or theory underlying thi Invention 

document of particular tolerance; the olatmed invention cannot be 
considered novel or Caonot be considered to in voire an inventive step 
when the document b tahoa alono 

document of particular rebmnce; the claimed invention cannot be 
ecocide red to Involve an inventive tUp when the document is combined 
with one or more other such doc omenta, cuch combination being 
abviom to a person skilled in the art 

document member of the seme patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 

16 JULY 2O0I 

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ US 
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks 
Box PCT 

Washington, D.C. 20231 
Facsimile No. (703) S05-S2SO 

Date of mailing of the international search report 

0 4 SEP ZOflt 

Authorized officer 



Telephone No. (70S) 308-0661 



Form PCT/ISA/SIO (second sheet) (July 1998)* 


International application No. 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

US *,943,364 A (KOCH et al) 24 July 1990, the abstract; Figure 1; 
and claim 6. 

WO 9410553 Al (SINGH) 11 May 1994, the abstract; Figure 2; and 
claims 17, 19, 20 -22, 26, 27, and 28. 

BP 0352610 A2 (LYBE) 31 January 1990, the abstract; claims 6, 9, 
and 1L 

US 5,611,900 A (Worden et al) 18 March 1997, the abstract, 
Figures l-3b; coL 4, 1L 35-63; coL 6, 1143-50; and coL 7, 11 36-49. 

1-5, 7-10, 14-16, 
19, 20 

1-4, 7, 8, 14-16, 
19, 20-22, 25. 

1-4, 7, 8, 14-16, 
19, 20, 21, 25. 


19, 20 

Form PCT/ISA72IO {continuation of second sheet) (July 1998)*